Friday, September 19, 2014

In a relationship....To friend request, To Block or Unblock, to Like or Not???

These comments apply to those "in a relationship" on FB
Think twice before you send a friend request to the opposite may cause reason for concern, questions, and reaction fr your bf/gf.....
If asked, always answer truthfully and honest.....anything but will not be acceptable and lead to further dissension in the relationship...
To Block.....yes its necessary to block those who openly interfere in your relationship.....
Unblock...always check with yr bf/gf first...its not a good move to make on your will raise questions...difficult to answer...
To Like or Not.....ok to Like anything, lets not get carried away is all...
Oh, one thing if, a friend likes on yr new profile pic, never go and prvt message that person, if you want to acknowledge them, do it openly in the comments for all to see.
Just some things to keep a healthy relationship....

Sunday, April 20, 2014

To Unfollow a FB friend

Ok, you re scrolling your FB news feed, and you see a post or two you don't care for..what do you do?
Well lets consider the options......Rt click the little down icon in the rt corner of the post and select
  1. I do not want to see this post
  2. Unfollow this Friend
If you choose to Unfollow, you'll still be friends with that person but you won't see anymore posts from them.
Before you choose to unfollow, you may want to wait until that persons post just go not suit you, otherwise you ll never see anything from them again, and miss out .

I noticed I was hardly getting any Likes from my friends on many pf my posts and realized they have decided to unfollow me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Joint FB accounts

Personally, I disagree with having a joint Facebook oe email account with a spouse and or significant other, as we are all individuals with our own likes/dislikes/ and preferences...
The idea of being one in marriage and having joint bank account is great but in regards to email /facebook, a joint account is absurd.
We all have the right to our own personal
communication, likes, and social networking.
What do you think?

Facebook User

Ok so April 1 rolls around, and you decide to have some fun with a couple of good FB friends, and play a prank. So you post on their page, TM is pregnant again.....everyone know it is a joke, she had her last child over a decade ago. And Bam, what happens, I got a private message to delete the post, so I tried to chat back, it was April fools, and I'm now blocked by "Facebook User" and no longer able to view her page or chat. In case your wondering, this person still has an active FB account, but I have been blocked.
The other person I played this with took it in stride, and commented on the post jokingly. Just goes to show you, you never know how friends will react.

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